My new project where I found many new things to learn about JMS. I was searching for a Configure JMS bridge using Python, but there very few blog posts found and that too, their scope limited to target to AdminServer and they are limited for single bridge configuration only. We have analyzed and developed this where you can take complete advantage.
Usually there could be different messaging systems can communicate with JMS Bridges. Bridge can be JMS-JMS communication or external systems can be integrated with messages. This messages can be plain Text or xml files or Java objects. To handle them JEE applications must use Message driven Beans MDB.
Oracle WebLogic JMS- MQ Series
The JMS bridge configuration is dependency on Local and
remote Queues or Topics. The bridge can be established between source and
targeted destinations need to be created with the following parameters :
- JMS bridge destination
- Connection URL
- JMS ConnectionFactory JNDI Name
- JMS destination JNDIName
Once the source and target is configured you can configure
the message bridges. The bridge configuration requires the following:
- Bridge name
- Source destination
- Target destination
- JMS Bridge deployment target Cluster or server
#======================================== # JMS Bridge Configuration script. # FileName: #========================================= from java.util import * from import FileInputStream def createdestination(JMSBridgeDestination,ConnectionURL,ConnectionFactoryJNDIName,DestinationJNDIName): cmo.createJMSBridgeDestination(JMSBridgeDestination) JMSBridgeDestination = cmo.lookupJMSBridgeDestination(JMSBridgeDestination) JMSBridgeDestination.setClasspath('') JMSBridgeDestination.setConnectionURL(ConnectionURL) JMSBridgeDestination.setAdapterJNDIName('eis.jms.WLSConnectionFactoryJNDINoTX') JMSBridgeDestination.setConnectionFactoryJNDIName(ConnectionFactoryJNDIName) JMSBridgeDestination.setDestinationJNDIName(DestinationJNDIName) return JMSBridgeDestination def create_bridge(MessagingBridge,Cluster,srcbdest,TJMSBridgeDestination,qos): cmo.createMessagingBridge(MessagingBridge) bridge = cmo.lookupMessagingBridge(MessagingBridge) cluster = cmo.lookupCluster(Cluster) targets = bridge.getTargets() targets.append(cluster) bridge.setTargets(targets) bridge.setSourceDestination(srcbdest) bridge.setTargetDestination(TJMSBridgeDestination) bridge.setStarted(true) bridge.setSelector('') bridge.setQualityOfService(qos) def getp(x): return configProps.get(""+x+"") envproperty="" if (len(sys.argv) > 1): envproperty=sys.argv[1] else: print "Environment Property file not specified" sys.exit(2) propInputStream=FileInputStream(envproperty) configProps=Properties() configProps.load(propInputStream) USER=configProps.get("USER") PASSWD=configProps.get("PASSWD") ADMNURL=configProps.get("ADMNURL") print 'CONNECT TO ADMIN SERVER' connect(USER, PASSWD, ADMNURL) print 'START EDIT MODE' n=int(getp("num_of_bridges")) # number of Brdiges edit() startEdit() try: print 'CREATE SOURCE JMS BRIDGE DESTINATION' for i in range(1,n+1): # if Bridge already exists skip MessagingBridge=getp("MessagingBridge"+str(i)) print "checking ... ", MessagingBridge ref = getMBean("/MessagingBridges/"+MessagingBridge) if(ref == None): S_Dest=getp("S_Dest"+str(i)) S_ConnURL=getp("S_ConnURL"+str(i)) S_ConnFJNDI=getp("S_ConnFJNDI"+str(i)) S_DestJNDI=getp("S_DestJNDI"+str(i)) src=createdestination(S_Dest,S_ConnURL,S_ConnFJNDI,S_DestJNDI) print 'CREATE TARGET JMS BRIDGE DESTINATION'+str(i) T_Dest=getp("T_Dest"+str(i)) T_ConnURL=getp("T_ConnURL"+str(i)) T_ConnFJNDI=getp("T_ConnFJNDI"+str(i)) T_DestJNDI=getp("T_DestJNDI"+str(i)) target=createdestination(T_Dest,T_ConnURL,T_ConnFJNDI,T_DestJNDI) print 'CREATE MESSAGING BRIDGE' cluster=getp("jms_mod_target1") qos=getp("QualityOfService"+str(i)) create_bridge(MessagingBridge,cluster,src,target,qos) else: passFlexibility in defining Bridges Passed through many patterns and learnings, I have developed this as reusable, generic as possible. Scope for further extendable.
I believe "Do it One at Once", To make work simple, Here I had used JMS Bridges with non-transactional. You can change if required. Correspondingly there is the implication with "Atmost-once" option. The "Exactly-Once" option is best suitable choice for non-transnational messages QoS.
WLST Bridge Configuration Properties
You need to customize it according to your domains. This script allows you to create as many bridges as you wish. Just one thing you need to change in the properties is that num_of_bridges value.
Here is the Sample properties file where you can replace the values according to your requirements. The WebLogic destination can be identified with t3 protocol, whereas MQ series uses file:// protocol which requires the full path of the path so it looks like three slashes (file:///)
In the sample CF are connectionFactories that participate in the bridge communication. The name with Dest indicates the Queues/Topics which are involved in the message holders.
#JMS BRIDGES CONFIGURATION FOR MQ numBridges=1 QualityOfService1=Atmost-once S_ConnFJNDI=mywlsCF S_ConnURL=t3://hostname:port T_ConnURL=file:///mqlocal/jndi/bindings T_ConnFJNDI=MQCF S_DestJNDI1=test/outgoing/request T_DestJNDI1=QSRC_TO_QDEST
To execute the above Python script for JMS Bridge configuration can be done as follows:
java weblogic.WLST
Scalability for Bridge
After a while working in the project there is new requirement came in to add few more bridges to the existing Domain. Now my task is that, need to skip those bridges which are existing bridges list and need to create the new bridge only when it is NOT in the list. To do so I have solution that using Bridge Runtime MBean finding in the run-time domain, pass is keyword to skip them. So need to update the numBrige variable in properies file and append the new bridge details at the end.The key logic is here...
# if Bridge already exists skip MessagingBridge=getp("MessagingBridge"+str(i)) print "checking ... ", MessagingBridge ref = getMBean("/MessagingBridges/"+MessagingBridge) if(ref == None): #create the bridge else: pass # skipping
Monitoring Bridges
In WebLogic 11g (10.3.x version) we can only able to fetch the monitoring information about Bridges configured on the domain using weblogic.Admin. The KSH script developed for bridge monitoring status.