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Showing posts with label nostage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nostage. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2010

Restarting 24 x 7 Domain with WLST

Here I have little bit struggle to reach a conclusion that, what all servers need to stop? when to stop? the preparing script I did with my analysis that stated that few sites requires 24x7 HA. Few of them don't need the HA, that is site can have sometime outage where it doesn't have request for the application.

Me and Prasanna Yalam discussed about a strategy where every time you run few servers can be stopped from different physical locations. when starting them up then only next round of managed servers can be stopped. This strategy implementation firstly thought with 2 scripts then I made it 2 phases one by one can be done with user input. This module named as 'regularStop()', which supports 24x7 HA domain.

One more thing we need to consider here is most of the Production deployments are in nostage mode, when new version release of application code requires complete domain down option requirement. This is another module take cares where it will stop all clusters in the domain should be passed. The module named as 'releaseStop()'. This you can use for any WebLogic domain.

After composing whole script ran it then found that there is need of server state or cluster state when it is given shutdown command. So every shutdown command is followed by state command given that gives more confidence on script how it is executing.

Finally by performing releaseStop() or RegularStop() we can go for stopping the Admin Server.

Note: Don't forget proper indentations, while editing my script it might be disturbed here.
# Script File:
# This module is for 24x7  Domain****
# First phase stops few managed servers of few sites
# Second phase will be used for stop remaining servers
# Note that Second phase allowed only when you press 'y'
# before that you need to Start all the Phase 1 stopped servers.
def conn():
  connect(user, passwd, adminurl)
 except ConnectionException,e:
  print '\033[1;31m Unable to find admin server...\033[0m'

# Stop all instances of a Cluster 
def stopClstr(clstrName):
 except Exception, e:
  print 'Error while shutting down cluster ',e

# All the instances of all Clusters will be down for release
def releaseStop():
 clstrList=["webclstr1", "webclstr2'..."ejbclstr"]
 for clstr in clstrList:

# Stop a instances given as parameter 
def stopInst(iservr):
  shutdown(str(iservr), 'Server',force="true")
 except Exception, e:
  print iservr, 'is having error in shutting down'

# Regular Rstart is 24x7 supported for :SITE1, SITE2, SITE3
def regularStop():
 clstrList=["non247clstr1", "non247clstr2"]
 for clstr in clstrList:
 servrList=servrList=["app1","app2","app3"... "web1","web2"] #sitewise list of servers need to stop
 for inst in servrList:
 print 'Now, please start the instances exclude the phase 2 instances ...'
 phase2=raw_input("Want to proceed for Phase 2...(y/n)")
 if phase2 == 'y':
  serverList=["app4","web3"...] # remaining Managed Servers to stop after phase servers UP n Running
  for inst in serverList:

# Exiting the script
def quit():

# The main script starts here...
if __name__ == "main":
 print ' 1. Regular Stop (24x7)\n 2. Release Stop\n 0. Quit\n'
 sAns=raw_input('Enter your choice: ')
 if int(sAns) == 1:
 elif int(sAns) == 2:
 elif int(sAns)== 0:
 print 'Warning: Invalid option...'
 print 'Finally stopping admin now...'


You can run this script with java in your PATH and weblogic.jar in the CLASSPATH.
java weblogic.WLST

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