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Showing posts with label smtp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smtp. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mail from WLST when abnormal state for Server

In most of production environments there could be possibility of a WebLogic server instances go on overload and crash or it could reach to a non RUNNING state due to many reasons. But if we know the state of that WebLogic server instance then we can act immediately for further harm to be predicated and confidently control that could happen  in that WebLogic domain.

Python network library smtplib in WLST

WLST supports multiple the network libraries such as

  1. ftplib 
  2. poplib 
  3. imaplib 
  4. smtplib 
  5. telnetlib 
these are  network capabilities in their process, scripting we need to import the libraries and you can use the built-in functions. Before using this smtp libraries you need to check the SMTP service enabled on the machine.

Here I am trying to send the alert mail message when one of the WebLogic Managed Server goes to SHUTDOWN state or UNKNOWN state or some other state which is not RUNNING.


Assuming that your machine have SMTP mail service must enabled. Check before creating this script on the box. Here in the following script you can replace the 'To' address value given as with mailing address of your supporting WebLogic Administrators (WLA) list by comma separation.
# Script File :
# Author      : Pavan Devarakonda
# Updated on  : 29th April 2010
import smtplib
import time

From = ""
To   =[""]
Date = time.ctime(time.time())

def getServerNames():
   return cmo.getServers()

def mailing(name, stat):
    if stat == 'SHUTDOWN':
        Subject = ' major: '
        Subject= 'Critical:'
    Subject= Subject + 'The Weblogic server instance ' +name + ' is ' + stat

    Text='The Server ' +name +'   in the '+ stat+'  Listening at URL ' + URL
    Msg = ('From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nDate: \%s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' %(From, To, Date, Subject, Text))
    s = smtplib.SMTP('YOURSMTP.DOMAIN.COM')
    rCode = s.sendmail(From, To, Msg.as_string())

    if rCode:
        print 'Fail to send message...'

def serverStatus(server):
    cd('/ServerLifeCycleRuntimes/' +server)
    return cmo.getState()

def checkStatus():
        serverNames= getServerNames()
        for name in serverNames:
            print name        
            serverState = serverStatus(name)
            if serverState == "SHUTDOWN": 
                mailing(name, serverState)
            elif serverStat == 'UNKNOWN':
                mailing(name, serverState)
        mailing('AdminServer','Connection Fail')

if __name__== "main":
    redirect('./logs/status.log', 'false')
    print 'done'
To make you more comfortable here you need to update few lines 7, 8 10, 27, and 40. Hope you have idea what need to replace in these lines! for your environment.

Cronjob schedule

If you need this script need to run for every 30 mins you can schedule the following line into a shell script. map the shell script to crontab by giving the -e option. If got any trouble please write back to me :)

To test run this script in UNIX/Windows/MacOS/anyother...
prompt> java weblogic.WLST

Keep posting your valuable comments and suggestions on this post.



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